The only secret I have got is damned hard work.
This project grew out of a series of experiments made for the 24th Generative Art Conference held in Cagliari in 2021. It is intended to bring generative art working as closely as possible to the actual pixels that are shown on a screen or printed, using computer vision techniques to manipulate them. It was inspired by an exhibition, at the Tate Gallery in 2021, of Turner's works, which allowed me to focus closely on the way Turner researched and developed his techniques. Turner achieved effects that no other artist, then or since, has been able to reproduce. He was often asked what his secret was. When he botherd to reply - he was apparently a grumpy man - he said "The only secret I have got is damned hard work'.
Nothing was standardised in Turner's life time. Pigments, drawing papers, brushes and all the items he used were made locally, in small batches, by small manufacturers. There was endless room for experimentation.
I asked myself what was the equivalent of this research for a generative artist who works with pixels, file formats, arrays and algorithms like those in the OpenCV library, and the Python Imaging Library?
The result is a large and growing toolkit. I have built a 'front end' to identify starting points (usually other images) and then to help me select and apply the different techniques, sometimes in a succession of ways, and to collect and archive the results. I like to think I am following in Turner’s footsteps.